Showing posts with label hangouts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hangouts. Show all posts

Monday, July 25, 2011

3 Google+ features that might help B2B Marketers

In less than two months since its launch, Google+, a social network from Google Inc., has already created a positive impression among B2B marketers. They believe that Google+ might prove useful in all their B2B marketing efforts. Here are 3 Google+ features that might help B2B marketers:

1. Circles – Using this feature, you can segment your contacts such as leads, prospects, customers, etc and you can customize your messages based on that.
2. Hangouts – You can use this feature to quickly interact or share information with your team members, prospects or clients face to face.
3. Sparks – It acts as a sort of content aggregator, brings you information that you might be interested in from across the web. You can quickly share useful information with your prospects or clients.