Did you know that you can save a lookup of contacts as a group in ACT! for quick access?
Try the following:
1. Create a lookup of contacts that you want to be the members of a new group.
2. Click Lookup > Groups and click Save Lookup as Group.
The Group Detail view is displayed.
3. Enter a name for the new group and add description (if necessary).
4. Click File > Save to save the new group.
A new group is created and the lookup of contacts is automatically added as a dynamic criteria. If a new contact pertaining to the lookup is added to the database, the contact is automatically added to the group. If a group member’s field that is associated with the saved lookup is changed to a value that no longer is relevant to the saved group, then the contact is automatically removed from the group.
Web Source from: http://www.egrabber.com/TU422kK97
Try the following:
1. Create a lookup of contacts that you want to be the members of a new group.
2. Click Lookup > Groups and click Save Lookup as Group.
The Group Detail view is displayed.
3. Enter a name for the new group and add description (if necessary).
4. Click File > Save to save the new group.
A new group is created and the lookup of contacts is automatically added as a dynamic criteria. If a new contact pertaining to the lookup is added to the database, the contact is automatically added to the group. If a group member’s field that is associated with the saved lookup is changed to a value that no longer is relevant to the saved group, then the contact is automatically removed from the group.
Web Source from: http://www.egrabber.com/TU422kK97